
lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013


Everybody has heard about SanFrancisco, but

what do you know about this beautiful city?
If you want to have more information, read this text, click on the links and answer the questions 

1- How many people died in the earthquake and fire of San Francisco?
2-When was the Golden Gate Bridge finished?
3- What famous movie was based on the only successful escape attempt from maximun security prison on Alcaraz Island?

San Francisco is the leading financial and cultural center of  Northern California.
 San Francisco (Spanish for "Saint Francis") was founded on June 29, 1776, when colonist from Spain  established a fort at the Golden Gate and a mission . The California Gold Rush of 1849 brought rapid growth, making it the largest city on the West Coast at the time. Due to the growth of its population, San Francisco became a consolidated city-county  in 1856. After three-quarters of the city was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake and fire but San Francisco was quickly rebuilt.
During World War II, San Francisco was the port of embarkation for service members shipping out to the Pacific Theater. After the war, the confluence of returning servicemen, massive immigration, liberalizing attitudes, and other factors led to the gay rights movement, cementing San Francisco as a center of  liberal activism in the United States.
Today, San Francisco is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, and is renowned for its cool summers, fog, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix of architectuere, and landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, the former prison on Alcaraz Island and its Chinatown district. It is also a primary banking and finance center.

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