
lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


-Open the book and you will find the rules to form the Present Continuous and the Present Simple and exercises to practice these tenses.

-Listening Comprehension Present Continuous vs Present Simple

Present Continuous vs Present Simple

After watching the video, choose the correct answer
  1. In the first part of the video, what is the girl doing?

  2. She is washing the dishes inb the bathtub
    She is washing the dishes in the sink
    She is having a shower

  3. Why is she washing the dishes in it?

  4. Because the bathtub is bigger
    Because the sink is dirty
    Because the sink is broken

  5. In the second part of the video, What is Tim doing?

  6. He washes the living room
    He is washing the kitchen floor
    He is washing the bathroom floor

  7. Does he use ordinary soap?

  8. Yes, he uses
    No, he doesn´t
    Yes, he always uses ordinary soap

  9. In the third part of the video,What is the girl doing?

  10. She works at her office
    She is working late
    She is working at home

  11. Does she always work late?

  12. Yes, she works late every day
    No, she only works late on Mondays
    Yes, she is working late on Monday

  13. In the fourth part of the video, What is the boy doing?.

  14. He is cooking meat
    He cooks his dinner
    He is cooking spaghetti

  15. When does he cook pasta?.

  16. On Monday
    On Friday
    On Wednesday

  17. In the last part, What is the boy doing?

  18. He is bathing his cat
    He bathes his cat
    He is bathing his dog

  19. Does he bathe it every day?

  20. No, only on Sunday
    No, only on Friday
    Yes, he does

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